Thursday, January 04, 2007

Feed Your Brain

While driving this morning and listening to a Stephen King audiobook, I had two thoughts. One, Stephen King is a terrific and funny writer, and two, libraries are awesome.

Listening to the stories on these discs, called Everything is Eventual, I realize I have a long way to go before I am even being half as good as this guy. He's so funny and specific with the metaphors, and the best when it comes to the narrator's voice. I bow to you, Mr. King.

Obviously, I got the audiobook from the library. I'm not going to pay $40 for something I'll listen to once. Have you ever stopped to think about how wonderful it is that we can read virtually anything we want for FREE at the library? We can read until our brains explode!

The audiobook is part of a sorry attempt to read more books this year (Resolution #74). Is it cheating if I listen to it? I hope not. What makes me sad about #74 is that I never needed to make a vow like this one. I've always been a nerdy reader. It started back when I was a wee little girl...

Mom used to drop me off at the neighborhood library pretty much every day all through my grade school years. She would go do errands and come back a few hours later. The library was the poor mom's nanny, keeping the kids occupied and even making them smarter! I would return the books I had read, play Oregon Trail on the computer, and find more books to borrow.

Occasionally, I would seek out the book on human reproduction, my heart racing, and sit in the corner in the way back and look at the illustrations. Fascinating! My tactic was to put it inside another book and pretend I was reading that one. I lost my innocence in that library at the tender age of 8.

So, in 2007, I will be reading when I can, even if it's only while driving, in order to become as smart as I once was. My brain has gotten a little mushy the last few years. Maybe I'll post titles on the blog when I complete a book, so we can all share in Kielbasa's pride. Would you like that? Would you leave me a gold star in the comments?

Today's Coffee Beverage: I don't need a lecture, people, but today I had the cinnamon dolce latte, iced, from Starbucks. It's liquid French toast. I promise you'll like it.

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