Monday, January 08, 2007


Hello, dear friends of the blog!

I will be shutting down the blog for awhile. I am going into Very Busy mode at work and my writers' group is starting up again, and so I do not have the time to devote to writing the ramblings that you dozen or so readers deserve. Blogs should be updated regularly, if not daily, in order to reward the reader for visiting, as observed by AVC blogger (link below).

Maybe I'll pull a Cher, and come back in a few weeks for a Farewell Tour, or take up DeeHo's suggestion to write an entry once a week. But for now, I can only see a very long break. If you're inclined to check back, I'd wait at least four months. That's when I'll be on hiatus from work. Unless they fire my ass before then.

In the meantime, here are the blogs I visit regularly, which are updated regularly, and which will keep you entertained in the absence of Gotta Kielbasa:

Trashy Celeb Gossip:
Page Six
Go Fug Yourself

The Huffington Post
Aaron in Africa
St. John's Hoops
Lisa DeMoraes
Jane Espenson


Today's Coffee Beverage: Nothing yet, but I reckon I might sneak out in a few minutes and get something yummy and hot.


Hercules Rockefeller said...

Well, then here's hoping you get fired soon!

Wait, that's not right...

Anonymous said...

why someone would read anything other than trashy celeb gossip is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

You know how you sometimes stash a five dollar bill into your pants pocket and forget about wash the pants, and a week or so later you're wearing them and find the five dollar bill and VIOLA - it's found treasure. That's how I feel about your blog, I don't read it all the time...then out of nowhere I'll remember, go and read it - and when I do I always find a treasure of insight and amusement.

As one of your biggest fans...I'm going to miss your blog! FOUR MONTHS! FOUR MONTHS!!!! Alright, if I must. Until then dear Kielbasalady.... XOX