Thursday, April 05, 2007

Upchucks and Checking Out

I brought the cake to Shrek's house, and by the time it got there it didn't look as beautiful as it had the night before. It looked kind of floppy and beat up. But I served it to Shrek and his brother's family, who were visiting from Chicago. Shrek's nephews are adorable, and the older one, Streets, had some cake and told everyone he liked it. I was relieved. There's no way a three-year-old would lie.

Two minutes later, he vomited on the floor. I saw lots of undigested cake leave that poor child's mouth. His parents swear he'd simply eaten too much and the cake had put him over the edge, but I'm not sure I'll ever bake a cake from scratch again.


On another note, tonight I went out with all the assistants from our show for a farewell gathering. It was terrific because pretty much everyone showed up. I've gotten to work with some amazing and hilarious people the past two years, and it makes me sad that many of us will be moving on next season. Ah, well. All good things must come to an end, and for those who were there tonight there will always be A-dog singing, "Doooon't stop, belieeeeeevin'... hold on to that feeeeelaaayin'..." Fist pounding in the air. Priceless!


Happy Easter weekend!

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