Monday, April 16, 2007

Walk the Talk

Another month halfway over, another pile of dreams drifting on the River of Procrastination. If I didn't have to sleep, or work, I could get done the long list of things I long to do. Among them:

~ Perform five minutes of stand-up comedy for the first time ever.* I've been intending to do this for three years. I don't know if I'm funny, but I'd like to find out.
~ Write a one-woman show starring me. I don't know if I have anything interesting to say, but there's only one way to know for sure.
~ Start and then finish all the scripts I have ideas for, then rewrite them a few times till they're great, then be happy with how they turned out.
~ Volunteer once a week or so at a Boys and Girls' Club or something. That'd be fun. And prevent my selfishness from becoming debilitating.
~ Cook all my food every day. I eat out all the time and feel disgusting about it.
~ Work out every single morning. I know there are people out there, busy people, who manage this. I envy them.
~ Do my taxes. Currently I'm two years behind, but the government owes me so I think I'm safe. Right?

Sigh. I shouldn't be blogging. I need to go DO. And what are you doing here, Lazybones? You should go DO too!

* A girl I took Second City improv classes with in Chicago is now a stand-up comic in LA. She's quite funny. Here's her MySpace. Go out and see her sometime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I have always thought that "Big Brothers" and "Big Sisters" are suspect.