Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rule #1

If you suspect someone you are about to meet might be important, never, EVER search them on IMDb first.

I say this because, unless you are completely evolved, if the person is accomplished you may feel compelled to treat them differently. More special, I mean. This will always be annoying to said person. They poop just as you and I do, you know.

Today, for example, is madness in the office; the last day my boss is in town, and as a result he has a packed sched. One of the things he is doing is meeting with an outside writer. So I set up the meeting and what do I do with the writer's name? Search it, of course.

The man has an impressive resume a mile long, requiring several scrolls down the page. Ten minutes ago he got here, and I was all breathy and in awe as I shook his hand. "Helloooo," I said with a dumb smile on my face.

Then I took him into my boss' office. I wasn't thinking straight! Why the hell would I DO that? My boss is going to come back from lunch and see this strange man sitting on his couch before any introductions have been made. But I had been too frazzled to think about that because I was flashing back to the writer's resume. Now I can't very well ask him to come back to MY office, can I? No, I cannot.

I became a fawning concierge; dangling cold water, soda, and magazines, all with a silly grin over which I had no control. To every offer he shook his head and said, "I'm good," in his low, even tone. I tried to call my boss on his cell phone and tell him to hurry up and get over here, plus was going to warn him that I accidentally put the writer in his office... "Yes, already... I don't KNOW why, I just did, okay?! So don't be alarmed." While my boss' phone rang on the line, I could also hear it vibrating on his desk. Dammit!

Meanwhile, the writer is all alone in there. Maybe needing someone to whom he can talk and tell interesting stories....

I think I'll go check!

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