Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Three's Company

I glanced out the window at two guys talking loudly in a car while we waited at a red light on Barham. Both our windows were open. Nothing tops the winter air in LA. The driver saw me.

"Excuse me," he called out from two lanes over to the left.

I rolled down my window all the way and put on my I'm-great-at-directions face

"Do you know how I could get to the... Regal Beagle?"

I knew it sounded familiar. I scanned my brain and looked at them hopelessly before I realized...


Today's Coffee Beverage: Iced NF Pumpkin Spice Latte.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what the Regal Beagle is!!! Tell me, please!!!

Gotta Kielbasa said...

The Regal Beagle is the bar where the Three's Company crew hung out!

Hercules Rockefeller said...

Wow, is it any shock these prize-winning gents were in a car without any women? Way to dust off that trusty old chestnut there, sport.