Wednesday, November 01, 2006

America’s Next Top Blogger

Well, I got just about nothing done yesterday. It was all about the blog. Blog this, blog that, and “Ooh, I’ll take some pictures for the blog!” I’ve alienated Vixen and A-dog because they’re already so sick of it. I have to be careful before I lose all my friends. Today I’m banning myself from even saying the word again. But you’ll be excited to know the b--g was viewed in countries all over the WOOOORLD!*

Let’s rehash Halloween! Did anyone else gorge themselves into oblivion yesterday? The decadence was nonstop in our office. For me it started when one of my bosses brought me a happy little box of black licorice shaped like Scottish poodles. I thought, “Hmmm, do I even like black licorice?” So I left it out for others to enjoy. Then tasted one on a whim. Cue downward spiral.

Let’s rehash costumes! - I was a loser, again, and did not dress up. But here are some of my favorite costumes from our work party.

Real-life couple Harry Potter and Mark Twain. I know, I know. I thought it was Albert Einstein too.

Kinda makes you wanna forget to take The Pill and have a little baby Batman of your own, doesn’t it Ladies?

Let’s rehash new vocab! - I learned some spooky new words yesterday on the NPR program Says You! I love that show because you know without a doubt those people were the biggest nerds ever in high school. Now they get to be on the radio and bask in their nerdiness while the Homecoming Queen sits at home watching Wife Swap in her bathrobe, licking cake batter off her index finger. Anyway, they had a Halloween theme going. Here’s the only word I can remember at the moment:

Skyclad – To perform magic or rituals in the nude.

Nifty, right? Best of luck using that in a sentence today.
*The United States and Canada.

Today's Coffee Beverage: Nothing yet. It’s more of a Laxative-‘n’-Fiji-Water kind of day, yeah?

1 comment:

Hercules Rockefeller said...

I always hated the word 'blog' becuase to me, it sounds like 'poop log.'

No, I've never actually heard anyone use the term 'poop log,' but my point remains valid.