Monday, November 13, 2006

Innovative Design

I bought a charming Kleenex box at Albertson’s last week. Actually, it’s the Safeway Select brand, so I should call it facial tissue. The more I look at it the more I think the new design was created by someone who was seriously high on drugs. Chuck in Poughkeepsie was hired as a freelancer to come up with a “fun and fancy-free” idea for a tissue box. The muse struck while at Grandma's, directly after smoking a giant bong and playing with Toonces.

Chuck's design is a series of cats that gaze at you with their human eyes and Cheshire grins. Each one has its own cat-chphrase (sorry, couldn’t resist). For example, a sleeping cat next to the words, “Training for the napping Olympics.” Or, two cats sending each other telepathic messages over a fishbowl. The first thinks, “Who? Me?” while his pal telethinks, “No, it’s not dinnertime.” Then there’s the innocent/naughty kitty, whose motto is, “Forbidden things make the best toys.” Sounds like a line stolen from an Orson Welles picture.
I can only imagine the lines cut from Chuck’s brainstorming session.
- Meow Mix on my mind.
- Avoiding catasrophe.
- Feline fine!
- Free to be catching ZZZs.

Dang. It's harder than it looks. Props to Chuck after all.

Speaking of props, let's hear it for Diane Keaton. Nearly 61 years old and hotter than ever! Seriously.

Today's Coffee Beverage: Nothing yet. I'm dying.

1 comment:

labelreader said...

I get the tissue box with this pattern every time I go to Safeway...I'd buy the original art if I could find the artist. =)